Thursday, June 30, 2011


i love summer, it's fruit season
here in the northwest. 
right now, in time for the 4th of july
the cherries are a ready for picking.
this of course brings me to thinking 
about cherry pie.
it seems like the appropriate dessert
for this coming holiday weekend.


Cherry Pie

1 quart sour cherries
1 cupful granulated sugar
1/8 tspn salt
few drops almond extract
3 Tblspn flour

Line a pie plate with pastry.
Mix together the sugar, salt and flour.
Spread half of it over the pastry.
Wash and pit the cherries and fill the pie plate with them.
Sprinkle the almond extract and remaining sugar mixture
over the cherries.
Wet the lower crust around the edge 
and put the upper crust in position.
Bake at 450F for fifty minutes.



1 comment:

melanie said...

love love love cherries...and I am picking raspberries off my plants in the backyard and eating them before they get in the house...yum!
happy hunting this weekend...